What time does the tour start and end? Generally we can accommodate a private tour between 10am and 5pm. We will schedule the start time and it is expected to last 20-30 minutes.
What is the best way to book a tour? Please contact the winery via email: [email protected], or give us a call at 1-250-328-2158.
How much does it cost? A private winery tour is $10 per person.
What does the private tour include? The private tour includes a wine tasting session with one of the owners, a tour of the vines and any relevant activity going on in the winery at the time of the tour. We love to share our viticulture and winemaking philosophies with you!
What is the maximum number of participants in a private tour? We can offer tours to groups of 15 people maximum. We want to ensure time for questions and personal interactions with our visitors!
Who do I contact if I have other questions? Please contact the winery via email: [email protected], or give us a call at 1-250-328-2158.